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Who Is KIHA For?

This KIHA programme is highly selective. Each cohort is limited to just 15 participants. The course is tailored to ambitious, successful senior executives in the premium echelons of the hospitality, tourism or other services sectors. Leaders who are looking for a constructive way to challenge their current hospitality model, expand their world view and enhance their leadership capabilities.


  • GMs and senior executives, working in the luxury hospitality sector.

  • Over 10 years’ hospitality management experience.

  • Seeking to accelerate their professional and personal development as leaders.

  • Motivated to discover the keys to the hospitality of the future and new ways of leading mindful service delivery.

A diverse participant mix is an important part of KIHA programmes. We seek candidates who reflect a broad range of hospitality models, management functions, national cultures, and professional backgrounds to enrich the cohort’s learning experience.


The KIHA programme is developmental. Structured around the three pillars of Mastery, Impact and Leadership, its benefits extend far beyond the expert knowledge gained in the classroom and the insights harvested during case studies and visits, to encompass deep reflection and challenge to grow the participant’s leadership capacity.

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

The programme content is designed around three core themes.

  • Understand the connection between the choices you make in everyday life (your personal practices) and professional performance as a leader.

  • Develop the capacity for disciplined practice in a domain or activity of your choice.

  • Develop your own philosophy of hospitality.

  • Explore how the evolving way of life and aspirations of today’s travellers, guests and employees require a complete rethink of current approaches to service provision.

  • Understand the connection between business models and realities of the impact of our sector upon nature and society (positives and negatives of tourism and hospitality).

  • Grasp the urgency of changing the way we do business in the hospitality sector.

  • Learn how to rethink business models and improve impact in the hospitality and tourism value chain.

  • Understand how deep change in business requires reflective and visionary leadership, capable of influencing all stakeholders.

  • Develop your capacity for influencing others by connecting personal values, convictions and vision with the challenges of the change assignment that you define for yourself (and your teams) as you pursue the programme.

  • Apply your learning to produce visible outcomes in behaviours, in guest and employee responses, in external impacts and in the evolution of your business towards an ideal hospitality model.

The Participant Learning Journey
Through this Programme


I understand the underlying trends and shifts of global hospitality and tourism in systemic terms.
I am supported to challenge existing service strategies and business models, and to define my own leadership development challenges.


I experience hospitality innovation in action and see how business success needs to be redefined to include impact.


I experience 'deep service' as key to luxury hospitality, and understand how it depends on personal discipline and mastery.


I experience planet-positive ways of living, study how hospitality has to change to integrate impact, and define my own leadership priorities.


I develop a path to implement required changes.
I set out on my change journey with coaching and peer support.
I keep working on my philosophy, self-mastery, leadership and life balance.
I extend my peer network for mutual support beyond the programme.


I develop my hospitality philosophy and values.
I work on practices for self-mastery.
I develop my leadership skills.
I find a way to integrate my work objectives and life goals